Phatom Forces Hack Mac

Phatom Forces Hack Mac Rating: 5,5/10 3679 reviews
Feb 20th, 2019

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  1. local Mortadex = {}
  2. Mortadex.Modules = {}
  3. Mortadex.ModuleSelection = 1
  4. Mortadex.Stealth = true -- this will just remove print messages
  5. Mortadex.FreeForAll = false
  6. function Mortadex:RegisterModule(name, onrender, norender)
  7. return error('Module '.name.' already registered!')
  8. Mortadex:FLog('Registering module '%s', name)
  9. Mortadex.Modules[name] = {OnRender = onrender, NoRender = norender, Scratchpad = {}, Enabled = false, Order = Mortadex.ModuleCount}
  10. end
  11. if Mortadex.Stealth then return end
  12. end
  13. function Mortadex:FLog(o, ..)
  14. end
  15. local getrawmetatable = getrawmetatable
  16. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Mortadex:Log('Loading core utilities..')
  18. Mortadex.HookManager = {IdxHooks = {}, NIdxHooks = {}}
  19. Mortadex.Services = {
  20. Lighting = game:GetService('Lighting'),
  21. UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  22. Mortadex.Instances = {
  23. LocalPlayer = Mortadex.Services.Players.LocalPlayer,
  24. LocalCharacter = Mortadex.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character,
  25. LocalMouse = Mortadex.Services.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  26. if getrawmetatable then
  27. Mortadex.OriginalIndex = ObjectMt.__index
  28. local Hook = Mortadex.HookManager:LookupIndexHook(self, key)
  29. return Hook(self)
  30. return Mortadex.OriginalIndex(self, key)
  31. end
  32. ObjectMt.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
  33. local Hook = Mortadex.HookManager:LookupNewIndexHook(self, key)
  34. return Hook(self, value)
  35. return Mortadex.OriginalNewIndex(self, key, value)
  36. end
  37. return true
  38. end
  39. function Mortadex.HookManager:LookupIndexHook(inst, key)
  40. for _, Hook in next, Mortadex.HookManager.IdxHooks do
  41. if Mortadex.OriginalIndex(inst, 'IsA')(inst, Hook.AffectedClass) and Hook.Property key then
  42. end
  43. end
  44. function Mortadex.HookManager:LookupNewIndexHook(inst, key)
  45. for _, Hook in next, Mortadex.HookManager.NIdxHooks do
  46. if Mortadex.OriginalIndex(inst, 'IsA')(inst, Hook.AffectedClass) and Hook.Property key then
  47. end
  48. end
  49. function Mortadex.HookManager:HookIndex(class, prop, f)
  50. return table.insert(Mortadex.HookManager.IdxHooks, {AffectedClass = class, Property = prop, HookFunction = f})
  51. function Mortadex.HookManager:HookNewIndex(class, prop, f)
  52. return table.insert(Mortadex.HookManager.NIdxHooks, {AffectedClass = class, Property = prop, HookFunction = f})
  53. function Mortadex.Utilities:WorldToScreenPoint(..)
  54. return Mortadex.Instances.LocalCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(..)
  55. function Mortadex.Utilities:PathObstructed(p1, p2, ..)
  56. local haspart, hitpos = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {..})
  57. if haspart then return true, hitpos else return false end
  58. return game:FindFirstChild('ClientReplicator', true)
  59. if i:IsA('BasePart') then
  60. elseif i:IsA('Model') then
  61. end
  62. local Result = {}
  63. for _,player in next, Mortadex.Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  64. if mode 0 then -- exclude players in current team
  65. if (player ~= Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer and (Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor or (FreeForAll or DEBUG))) then
  66. end
  67. table.insert(Result, player)
  68. end
  69. end
  70. function Mortadex.Utilities:GetNearestPlayer()
  71. if not Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.Character then return end
  72. local Players = Mortadex.Utilities:GetPlayers(0)
  73. local SelectedPlayer, SelectedPlayerPrevDistance = nil, 25000
  74. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  75. local Distance = Mortadex.Utilities:GetDistance(Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  76. SelectedPlayer = v
  77. end
  78. end
  79. end
  80. function Mortadex.Utilities:GetDistance(v1, v2)
  81. end
  82. function Mortadex.Utilities:GetCanvas()
  83. if getrawmetatable then
  84. Mortadex.Canvas ='ScreenGui', game:GetService('CoreGui'))
  85. Mortadex.Canvas ='ScreenGui', Mortadex.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)
  86. end
  87. end
  88. Mortadex.EmptyVector3 =
  89. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  90. --> ESP
  91. local Canvas = Mortadex.Utilities:GetCanvas()
  92. if not Root then
  93. Root.Name = 'ESP'
  94. Root.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  95. for _, Player in next, Mortadex.Utilities:GetPlayers(0) do
  96. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  97. Locator.BackgroundColor = Player.TeamColor
  98. local VPos, VVis = Mortadex.Utilities:WorldToScreenPoint(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  99. Locator.Size =, -2800 / VPos.z, 0, -4300 / VPos.z)
  100. Locator.Position =, VPos.x - Locator.Size.X.Offset / 2, 0, VPos.y - Locator.Size.Y.Offset / 2)
  101. Name.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  102. Name.Size =,0,0, Locator.Size.Y.Offset / 5)
  103. Name.TextScaled = true
  104. Name.Text = Player.Name
  105. Name.Font = 'SourceSansLight'
  106. Name.Parent = Locator
  107. else
  108. end
  109. end
  110. if not Root.Parent then
  111. end
  112. Mortadex:RegisterModule('FreeForAll', function(Storage)
  113. end, function(Storage) FreeForAll = false end)
  114. --> Chams
  115. Mortadex:RegisterModule('Chams', function(Storage)
  116. if Cham.Name:find('Cham') then
  117. Storage[i] = nil
  118. end
  119. for _, Player in next, Mortadex.Utilities:GetPlayers(0) do
  120. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  121. for _, Part in next, Player.Character:GetChildren() do
  122. local Box ='BoxHandleAdornment')
  123. Box.Size = Mortadex.Utilities:GetSize(Part) +, .2, .2)
  124. Box.Color3 = Player.TeamColor.Color
  125. Box.AlwaysOnTop = true
  126. Box.Transparency = .1
  127. Box.Parent = Mortadex.Utilities:GetCanvas()
  128. end
  129. end
  130. Mortadex:RegisterModule('LagSwitch', function(Storage)
  131. Storage.State = true
  132. local Replicator = Mortadex.Utilities:GetReplicator()
  133. Replicator:DisableProcessPackets()
  134. end
  135. if Storage.State then
  136. local Replicator = Mortadex.Utilities:GetReplicator()
  137. Replicator:EnableProcessPackets()
  138. end
  139. Mortadex:RegisterModule('IronSight', function(Storage)
  140. Sight.Size =, 5, 0, 5)
  141. Sight.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  142. Sight.Position =, Mortadex.Instances.LocalMouse.X, 0, Mortadex.Instances.LocalMouse.Y)
  143. end)
  144. --> KnifeMaster
  145. Mortadex:RegisterModule('KnifeMaster', function(Storage)
  146. if not Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.Character then
  147. end
  148. local Pl = Mortadex.Utilities:GetNearestPlayer()
  149. if Pl and Pl.Character and Mortadex.Utilities:GetDistance(Pl.Character.Torso.Position, Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) < 150 then
  150. Mortadex.Instances.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Pl.Character.Torso.CFrame *,0,3)
  151. end)
  152. --> BigHead
  153. Mortadex:RegisterModule('BigHead', function(Storage)
  154. for _, v in next, Mortadex.Utilities:GetPlayers(0) do
  155. if not Storage[v.Name] then
  156. Storage[v.Name] = { v.Character.Head.Size, v.Character.Head.CFrame }
  157. v.Character.Head.CanCollide = false
  158. v.Character.Head.CFrame = v.Character.Torso.CFrame *, 20, 0)
  159. end
  160. end,
  161. function(Storage)
  162. Storage.NormalSize =, 1, 1)
  163. for _, v in next, Mortadex.Utilities:GetPlayers(0) do
  164. v.Character.Head.CanCollide = true
  165. end
  166. end)
  167. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  168. Mortadex:Log('Loading UI..')
  169. function Mortadex:CreateWindow(name, size, timed_close, tween)
  170. TopBar.Name = 'NO_CLEAR'
  171. TopBar.Size =, size.X.Offset, 0, 20)
  172. TopBar.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  173. TopBar.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  174. TopBar.Font = Enum.Font.Code
  175. TopBar.Position =, -(size.X.Offset/2), .5, -(size.Y.Offset/2))
  176. TopBar.Active = true
  177. local Window ='Frame')
  178. Window.Size = size
  179. Window.Position =, 0, 0, 20)
  180. Window.BorderSizePixel = 0
  181. if not timed_close then
  182. local CloseBtn ='TextButton', TopBar)
  183. CloseBtn.Size =, 20, 1, 0)
  184. CloseBtn.Name = 'CloseBtn'
  185. CloseBtn.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  186. CloseBtn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  187. end)
  188. local Countdown ='TextLabel', TopBar)
  189. Countdown.Size =, 20, 1, 0)
  190. Countdown.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  191. local BackPos
  192. BackPos = TopBar.Position
  193. TopBar.Position =, -(size.X.Offset/2), 1, 0)
  194. spawn(function()
  195. TopBar:TweenPosition(BackPos, 'Out', 'Quad', .3, true)
  196. for i = timed_close-1, 0, -1 do
  197. Countdown.Text = tostring(i)
  198. if not tween then
  199. else
  200. TopBar:TweenPosition(, -(size.X.Offset/2), 1, 0), 'Out', 'Sine', .3, true)
  201. TopBar:Destroy()
  202. end)
  203. TopBar.Parent = Mortadex.Utilities:GetCanvas()
  204. end
  205. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  206. if not script then script ='LocalScript') end
  207. Mortadex.HookManager:Init()
  208. Mortadex.HookManager:HookIndex('Player', 'Kick', error)
  209. Mortadex.HookManager:HookIndex('BasePart', 'Size', function(Part)
  210. if caller_env.script ~= Mortadex.UpvalScript and caller_env.script.ClassName ~= 'CoreScript' then
  211. return Mortadex.EmptyVector3
  212. end
  213. end)
  214. Mortadex.HookManager:HookIndex('BasePart', 'CFrame', function(Part)
  215. if caller_env.script ~= Mortadex.UpvalScript and caller_env.script.ClassName ~= 'CoreScript' then
  216. return Mortadex.EmptyCFrame
  217. end
  218. end)
  219. Mortadex.HookManager:HookIndex('BasePart', 'Transparency', function(Part)
  220. if caller_env.script ~= Mortadex.UpvalScript and caller_env.script.ClassName ~= 'CoreScript' then
  221. return 0
  222. end
  223. return Mortadex.OriginalIndex(Part, 'Transparency')
  224. Mortadex.SelectionMenu = Mortadex:CreateWindow('Mortadex v'.Mortadex.Version,, 250, 0, 20 * Mortadex.ModuleCount))
  225. Mortadex.SelectionMenu.Position =, 10, 0, 10)
  226. for ModuleName, Module in next, Mortadex.Modules do
  227. Entry.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  228. Entry.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  229. Entry.Font = 'Code'
  230. Entry.Text = ModuleName
  231. Entry.Position =, 0, 0, 20 * Module.Order)
  232. Entry.Name = tostring(Module.Order)
  233. Entry.BorderSizePixel = 0
  234. local Status ='Frame')
  235. Status.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  236. Status.Position =, -10, 0, 8)
  237. Status.Parent = Entry
  238. Mortadex.Services.RunService:BindToRenderStep('Mortadex', Enum.RenderPriority.Last.Value + 1, function()
  239. for _, Object in next, Mortadex.Utilities:GetCanvas():GetChildren() do
  240. Object:Destroy()
  241. end
  242. for i, Module in next, Mortadex.Modules do
  243. local Success, ErrMsg = pcall(Module.OnRender, Module.Scratchpad)
  244. Mortadex:FLog('Panic during execution of '%s'::OnRender: %s', i, ErrMsg)
  245. elseif not Module.Enabled and Module.NoRender then
  246. local Success, ErrMsg = pcall(Module.NoRender, Module.Scratchpad)
  247. Mortadex:FLog('Panic during execution of '%s'::NoRender: %s', i, ErrMsg)
  248. end
  249. end)
  250. Mortadex:Log('Attaching controls..')
  251. Mortadex.Services.UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(InputObject)
  252. local PreviousSelection = Mortadex.SelectionMenu.Content:FindFirstChild(tostring(Mortadex.ModuleSelection))
  253. PreviousSelection.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  254. PreviousSelection.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  255. if InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'J' then
  256. Mortadex.ModuleSelection = Mortadex.ModuleSelection - 1
  257. Mortadex.ModuleSelection = Mortadex.ModuleCount - 1
  258. elseif InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'K' then
  259. Mortadex.ModuleSelection = Mortadex.ModuleSelection + 1
  260. if Mortadex.ModuleSelection > Mortadex.ModuleCount-1 then
  261. end
  262. local EntryLabel = Mortadex.SelectionMenu.Content:FindFirstChild(tostring(Mortadex.ModuleSelection))
  263. local ModuleEntry = Mortadex.Modules[EntryLabel.Text]
  264. ModuleEntry.Enabled = not ModuleEntry.Enabled
  265. EntryLabel.Status.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0)
  266. EntryLabel.Status.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  267. end
  268. elseif InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'P' then
  269. Mortadex.SelectionMenu.Position =, -270, 0, 10)
  270. local EntryLabel = Mortadex.SelectionMenu.Content:FindFirstChild(tostring(Mortadex.ModuleSelection))
  271. EntryLabel.BackgroundTransparency = .3
  272. end
  273. local IntroWindow = Mortadex:CreateWindow('Mortadex',, 350, 0, 200), 5, true)
  274. IntroLabel.Font = 'Code'
  275. IntroLabel.FontSize = 'Size24'
  276. IntroLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  277. IntroLabel.Text = 'Welcome to Mortadex! If you need to change the menu's placement, simply drag the window around the screen. Press P to dock the window to the right side of the screen in case the chat blocks the menu.'
  278. IntroLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)

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Phantom Forces Hack Mac

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How to install:
1. Download, extract and run .exe file,
(If your antivirus blocking file, pause it or disable it for some time.)
2. Press Install button
3. Choose destination folder
4. Press Finish

How to Use:
Open destination folder and locate file notes.txt, open it and read step by step.

Phantom Forces Hack Mac

Don’t forget to read instructions after installation.

Phantom Forces Hacks Mac

All files are uploaded by users like you, we can’t guarantee that PHANTOM FORCES HACK 2020 HOW TO DOWNLOAD HACK FOR PHANTOM FORCES WORKING 2020 are up to date. Download and check if it’s works for you, if not, search for different version in search box. Enjoy.

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