Kings Court Game Online
King Arthur’s is happy to open our newest addition. The Dungeon is our new play area in our renovated basement. We’ve added a ton of play experiences for kids of all ages and room to rest and relax too, if that’s your thing! The long-awaited sequel of New Yankee in King Arthur's Court is finally live! Play this exciting time management game online! Explore the wonderful world of magic, goblins, maidens and gold and help the brave knight and his cheeky wife to find the legendary Fountain of Living Water.
I introduce the activity like this: 'Everyone knows the Lion is King ofthe Jungle. But every good King needs a court. A King needs to have peoplearound him who are his friends, whom he can trust and upon whom he canrely. These people are called courtiers. What qualities should courtierspossess?'We discuss this question. Students usually come up with 'strong,' and'brave,' and 'helpful.' With a little coaching they are usually able toadd 'kind,' and 'loyal,' and 'clever.' After the group accepts each newadjective, I ask them to think about which animals exemplify each quality.(For example, elephants are strong and helpful, dogs are helpful and brave,cats are clever and brave, horses are loyal and helpful, etc.) We discussthe sort of animals who would make good courtiers until a fairly sizeablelist has been generated.
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Next, I tell my students that we will now act out the selection of theKing's court. Each student chooses an animal to portray. (It need not necessarilybe one that was mentioned earlier, although of course most will be.) Theteacher, in role as the King, calls each 'animal' forward. 'You, animal.Come forward into the presence of the King.' The animal moves forward.'What sort of animal are you?' The student announces what animal he orshe is portraying. With older students I usually want them to use an appropriateanimal voice. 'Why should I have a (blank) in my court?'The student then describes the qualities of her/his animal that makethat animal good courtier material. The King responds, 'Wonderful! Youmay join my court.'
I usually have an area defined, around myself, for the 'court,' so thatthe students can physically enter my court.
Obviously everyone must be invited to join-even snakes.
New Yankee In King Arthur's Court Game Online
I usually end this session by having a parade of the King's court, witheach animal moving according to its way. Then the whole group (if the wallsare sufficiently thick) 'roars'-each according to species-to announce thepresence of the greatest Royal court in the land.
Sort The Court
When my second-graders were studying the oceans, I did a version of thisgame called 'The Sea King's Court.' Each student became a sea animal. Youcould try it with older kids using real historical figures-from any era-anda mythical human King-or Queen.Kings Court Game Online Game
Matt Buchanan